Thursday, October 6, 2011

Alise Sainte Reine, France

Alise Sainte Reine is a tiny town in Burgundy with a population of just over 600. Small as it may be, it is thought to have been the site of Caesar's defeat of the Gauls in the Battle of Alesia. The U.S. military also stopped by here during World War I. According to the message on the back of the postcard, the X on the front marks the location of their battalion headquarters.


  1. I sometimes think small French towns and villages are built with some sort of identikit. Did somebody tell the military they had the best building in town?

  2. I like the woman's head peeking out over the bush on the right.

  3. Never mind telling the military they had the best building, did anyone tell the censor? Stick a stamp on the card, send it to a mate in Germany and it becomes a very different kettle of fish.

  4. I thought the same thing Alan, I suppose it was in an envelope or package since there is no address or postmark...

  5. Yes, what an intriguing placement of people. I love it when people annotate the image.
