Friday, October 21, 2011

More Rudy

Last week, I recounted the tragic story of Rudy along with some pictures. Here are some additional photos of Rudy during his school years. The first photo shows him in the graduating class of Jarvis Street School, which must have been an elementary/middle school. An earlier post showed a circus parade by students at the school. Rudy may be in that picture too, but I couldn't tell you for sure.

Rudy is in the front row, wearing the JS jersey. He doesn't look nearly as tough as the fellow in the second row wearing the same jersey. Some of the boys look very refined with their neckties, but a few look a little rough around the edges.

Here's another picture of Rudy, this time at Binghamton High School with his wrestling (?) team. He's number 7.

Be sure to check out Sepia Saturday for lots of classroom photos and other treasures. If you want to know more about Rudy, check out the previous post with baby pictures, letter etc.


  1. The boys in the team jerseys are probably very happy they didn't have to wear what Mom told them to. Look at the lone three piece suit!

  2. The school class photo is wonderful!

  3. I wondered if the lad in the three piece was wearing plus fours. The teacher looks a bit stern.
    The second group could be a boxing team, the boots are right for that as well.

  4. Nice to see more pictures of Rudy. It seems he had a happy bunch of friends at school too.

  5. I'm so glad to see more of Rudy's life. I felt that I had gotten to know him last week. Now I know him even better. Isn't it nice that someone who lived such a short life has been given a rebirth here. It's another of the Sepia Saturday advantages.

  6. I think that no 7 chap in the second row was playing in the Australian rugby team last night! I wish all my family's old school photographs all had such informative captions.

  7. It's nice to see Rudy again, but it's the boys in the second row that really captured my interest.

  8. It is so nice to see kids come up dressed prim and propah.....
    I just love to look at these old pictures.
    The second one was probably framed and hung some where (or maybe on the mantle piece)
    I remember that Mobil Gas advt which was here too in India about half a century ago.

  9. I have been back and read the first part of the Rudy story as I missed out last week : and I am so glad you managed to somehow fit the post in with the theme! You can bring people back to life like few others. Blogging at its best.

  10. I just enjoy looking at old school photos, it's like you can really nearly point out each little personality just by their expression in the photo....

  11. All the boys in the front row seem to be wearing plus fours or something similar. Maybe it was the fashion.

  12. Rudy Had A Real Presence.The Typed Letter You Shared Last Week Shows A Person Who Could Put Himself Across Really Well.& He Had A Very Interesting & Open Appearance.Yes.Tragic That He Died So Young & So Near The End Of The War & his Overseas Tour.

  13. The boy in the second row with the same jersey as rudy's is definitely the class bully. And the boy first row at left is the one he picked on.
    Ladies of the grove

  14. Hi Christine,

    These are so clear and Rudy is a good looking guy. I missed last week, so I'll go and check out what happened now.

    Take care,

    Kathy M.

  15. Looks like I lost my comment. I was drawn to the girl in the second row. Can't figure out what she has around her neck and down the front. It looks like a cape over her shoulders. Great photo.

  16. Great photos, Christine, but so sad that Rudy had such a short life.

  17. It's interesting to me that the boys are in front and the girls are in back in the first photo, seems that it should be reversed, but perhaps it was more modest this way with skirts and all...

  18. More great photos of Rudy! It's a shame he died so young. Just from what you shared with us, he seemed to be quite a character. At least you have some family treasures to keep his memory alive. Thanks for sharing him with us!

  19. I love the team picture. You can almost feel their discomfort at being photographed in such revealing clothing - particularly the ones on the far ends in the first row.

  20. A great collection of photos, and a wonderful record of Rudy's short life.

    (That 3-piece suit in the middle row! The kid obviously envisioned himself elsewhere. And the boy frowning hard in the same row, gosh, wonder how he turned out...)

  21. A terrifc followup and still on theme too! I love how school photos of young children from this era somehow, because of the clothing and hair styles, give you a glimpse of the adult they wll become.

  22. that first picture looks like a school for mobsters children...

  23. I don't think I've ever heard of a wrestling team before....

  24. I never see a school photo without wishing I knew all their stories...
