Monday, November 21, 2011

Don't Go Back to Reston

This card was sent in 1909 with a message that doesn't seem to fit the picture...or does it?

Here's the back of the card, sent to Miss Lillian Smith in Roseburg, Oregon in 1909:

The message reads:
Dear Friend
I have been to church every night I could and I think I have got my sins forgiven very well by this time. I feel like a chritan any way. I don't no how I look. Well I sopose to-morrow will ind your time in Roseburg for a while. Well of course you can do as you can do as you please but I see your finish if you go back to Reston. I will sing off hoping to hear from you soon. Alee P.


  1. Now, that's an interesting postcard message, to be sure.

  2. Very interesting, he addresses her as 'Dear Friend' so they've had a bit of a bust up from being a bit more than that. Perhaps someone saw him with someone else for which he now needs to atone and win the forgiveness of Miss Lillin. If not then they're finished, but of course 'tis easier if it's her fault, ie if she goes back to Reston.

  3. First, I really enjoy, please don't stop how you retype what they say, and yeah maybe some dictionary time would serve the writer well too, (ha ha) kind of in a hurry I think to save what could possibly a love they don't want to loose? Oh to know how this story turned out...that would be priceless...

  4. Thanks, Karen
    I don't try to revise or correct the messages, because then it becomes my voice not the sender's.

    It's interesting that you and Lisa think the sender is male. I assumed by the name (Alee) that it was a girl, but it could be either.

  5. It looks as if the message on the front could be significant, but there’s an undercurrent of something a little threatening in Allee P’s message I feel.

  6. Extraordinary! if we only knew the story... Maybe the picture on the front of the postcard alludes to the sins that were committed? I assumed that Alee P was a girl when I read it.

  7. After some analysis and scenario imaging, I've come to no conclusion. I can imagine Alee was a boy. The card reads redemption with sarcasm, a joke, (well) the casual end of it all, the double write (hmm, a bit nervous, are we?), the end is near (you'll be finished, my dear), and the (well) threat. Perhaps mommy didn't approve of Lillin, and Lillin didn't like Alee to be so agreeable with mommy, and so Lillin fled to Reston.
    Much Fun! Thanks!

  8. excellent photography! I've found lots of nice work on your blog. thanks a lot for sharing with us.

  9. What a great mystery, Christine. As usual. You find such interesting cards. Well, I finally (!) got up scans of my perfume sachet card, so do sashay over (too full of myself?)

  10. Intriguing message and funny card!

  11. Definitely male. And I'm happy to hear he's going to sing off, after browbeating Miss Lillin like that. More church required, and plenty of singing.

  12. With all the speculation about male/female, been bad/been good, etc, I almost missed the nice art nouveau inspired logo for 'B. Co" post cards...
