Thursday, November 10, 2011

Eat Your Giant Vegetables

Just five servings a day, that's all you need. Both of these cards show giant vegetables from Oregon being delivered by rail car. For some reason, Oregon has been blacked out on the first card...perhaps by a jealous Californian.

The second card is basically identical to one I posted earlier, except for the wording. I recognize those tomatoes.

The first card was sent to Mrs. F.E. Hull (Krill?) in Bandon, Oregon in 1916 from her May in Coquille, Oregon.
The message reads:
Jan 3, 1916
Dear Mrs. Hull
I got the little towel . I was tickled to death over it thanks it is beautiful. We have sold out and are moving don't know where. I will write a long letter when we get settled bye bye from May.

Here's the back of the second card, sent to Lola Cline in Union, Oregon in 1909.

The message reads:

I arrived here at 10 o'clock safe and sound. How is the baby tell him "Hello" will write to the rest of the folks soon. The folks were at the train to meet me. love to all. Tiddy.


  1. Such delightful vegetables indeed! Although they'd have a hard time making through my kitchen door!

  2. As I noted on the last veggie post, the giant gag gets old for me pretty quick, but that first card is really quite atmospheric. Kinda spooky, would have made a good Halloween card, especially with the text suggesting that the cargo is actually some 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers'-like pod...

  3. Yay! More giant vegetables! I can't get enough of these...

  4. The idea always pops into my head of just how many people these giants would feed. Some more great exaggerated postcards Christine!!

  5. Ha ha. Such an American concept! Our vegetables are comfortably small, because our refrigerators are small and our houses are small and our farms are small. (Maybe with the exception of the daikon radish, which is quite big, but it grows downward so it doesn't take up that much surface area.) I'm not small though. Not by a long shot....

  6. Those are great! They remind me of the big potato on the flatbed: Idaho is big potato country! I've had that magnet on my fridge for years. I love postcards. So happy to find your blog!

  7. Do you suppose these veggie cards have a connection to the mail-order seed companies use of the adjective "Giant"?

  8. I particularly like the top-most card, as it seems that they've managed to make the illusion more convincing than most. Nice one!
