Monday, November 14, 2011

More Lovelights

last month I posted some Lovelights cards. Here are a few more.

Here are the backs of the cards in the same order.

The message to Miss Ilene Harris of Decatur, Illinois reads:

Garfield, Kans.
May 11. 09
Dear Cousin-
This leaves me well. Am going to leave here tonight for Kingman Ariz. just 1200 miles South west of here. Am going with a car load of stock. It takes about 6 days for the trip will send you a card when I get there.  LM (?)

The second card was sent to Jennie Safarak of Rochester, Minnesota in 1910. The message reads:

Dear Jennie:-
Rec'd your letter and card. We are all very glad mamma came out all right and hope she will be better by this time. Will write a letter later on. Will go out to Farwell next Wed. Love to Mama from us all. Your niece Lottie.
Did you get my letter? We ___often. Very warm, hot rather, aint it?


  1. Cool! I've never seen those before. Love the "aint it".....

  2. Oh My!!! Imagine driving 1200 miles across country back in 1909? Can we say car problems galore? Scary but sounds kinda fun too!

  3. Those are just so romantic....and it was mailed to a town not so far away! What a different last name though....first time I've ever seen it! I do enjoy this series, with such a golden shimmer!

  4. I thought that was one heck of a road trip at first too, but now I'm thinking he meant a railroad car load of livestock, rather than an automobile, as the first cross country auto trip (+/- 3000 miles) happened this year and it took 52 days....

  5. I love the way what must have been new technology (the light bulb) was woven together with romance that is old as the hills.

  6. I guess you are right Archie, that would be pretty miraculous to make it across country in 6 days in 1909 in one of those old non-roadtested cars. Could you imagine having to change a tire on one of those things? NOT my idea of fun! LOL. Thanks for sharing the info, very interesting indeed!!!

  7. These are great. I've never seen any like these before.
