Monday, December 5, 2011

A Christmas Poem for Jews

It's not a great poem, but I think it may express some of the Christmas fatigue that Jews endure with Christmas trees, Christmas music, Christmas gifts, Christmas decorations, and Christmas cards throughout the season. Even Santa looks a little fatigued.

It's particularly impressive that this card sent to Albert Kinziger in Utica, New York, was actually postmarked on December 25th.

The message reads:

Here's to you, you lucky Jew. 
Churp up - smoke up
and drink up dew. For they'll all help
to pull your sorrows thro'.
Don't sigh and cry like a boy in blue
But go to bed and 
 dream it's all true.

Will see you soon "a lost Friend"

Of course I had to look for Albert Kinziger to find out who he was. I found an Albert Kinziger who died from being hit in the head with a hammer in 1943 or 44, but (thankfully) he was born in 1896, so I think he couldn't be our Albert. Our Albert had to be born earlier than that to receive a card like this in 1908. Instead, I think our Albert was born in 1871 and died (far too young) in 1929. If so, he is buried in New Forest Cemetery.


  1. In the old days down here a letter went by train and it could be sent in one town and they immediately dropped it off at the next town. It is a wonderful card.

  2. HAHAHA, das ist reine Poesie ;0)

  3. The postcard is beautiful, but I have to agree that Santa looks pretty tired.

  4. Funny! I think we ALL get tired of Christmas now....

  5. What a great story! Especially of interest is how you researched the card's recipient's history---along with he unusual postmark.
    I'd buy your book on the subject of these postcards, if one was offered up for sale!
    Thanks again for great reading!

  6. great postcard..the back is fabulous!

  7. The poem is amusing, but the front is really the treat- Santa with a black halo, loosening up and tossing a few back amidst all that color and glittering embossing!

  8. what a gr8 job u've done :)
    thanks for sharing..

  9. Oh I'm not so sure that he is our real Santa! This is a charming delightful card, and hoping the receiver found it cheery as lucky they were to have such fun mail....

  10. Santa kicking back with a cocktail, why not? I'm fascinated (many times repulsed) with early 20th cent. ethnic and racial humor, when immigration to U.S. was at a peak. I would've picked up this postcard in a heartbeat for the poem alone.

  11. I love that card, and I usually don't find Santa postcards very appealing.
