Thursday, December 22, 2011

Christmas - Wish I Could Eat Dinner with You

And the message to Mr. Geo Ray of Bridgewater, New York reads:
Friend cyi
Wish I could eat dinner with you.
yrs Brownie C.

Here's a card with a similar style.


  1. Lovely postcards, the first one especially, and of course the message leaves a whole bunch of questions unanswered :)

  2. Oh, I just love Christmas in the Land of Children With No Faces!! Guess the artist never made it thru that drawing lesson...

  3. I really like these cards. They are wonderful.

  4. Oh I really enjoy that first one, those little ones are just darling, and you know Mommy and Daddy are waiting on the other side of that door...But, the second one...reminds me of today's fast pace...they only signed their names! Hmm what does it cost to say hope you're doing well! or something don't you think!

  5. These are great postcards - thanks for sharing them and have a great Christmas.

  6. Ha ha. I love the first one. Except the lack of facial features is a little bit creepy.

  7. Charming! I wonder if he got to eat dinner with his friend.

  8. such sweet postcards!!
    the first one is my favorite!!!
    Christmas Blessings to you!!!

  9. I love the messages you find on the backs of cards! Early texting but without the bad spelling. :)

    I think what fascinates me most about postcard messages is the evidence that people are the same, whether born now or a hundred years ago.

  10. Cute cards. The first one reminds me of my childhood, but the second is my favorite.
