Wednesday, December 7, 2011

From Freiburg to St. Lunaire

In 1902, Gabrielle was visiting Freiburg, Germany and sent a card to Monsieur G. Kuentz in St. Lunaire in Brittany, land of beautiful beaches and equally beautiful houses.

Here's another view of Freiburg at about the same time.

The back of the second card is blank, but the back of the first card includes Gabrielle's sweeping script and a few cancellation stamps.

Although I felt like a bit of a stalker, I had to look to see what the Villa des Marguerites looks like. Here it is. This is the side view. The front looks out to the sea. The Villa was built in the 1880s, one of the first villas to be built on the point.


  1. I like that black and white fine detail...:)

  2. oh ja, feiburg ist immer noch eine wirklich schöne Stadt und nebenbei, die mit den meisten Sonnentagen in Deutschland:0)

  3. ..and what a lovely time it was to have taken a visit there!

  4. Freiburg looks beautiful. Any idea if these views are still similar today, or has the architecture been changed beyond recognition?


  5. Practically all the churches and cathedrals in Europe had the same type of entrance.
    What a beautiful handwriting.
