Monday, December 26, 2011

Happy New Year from Walter P. Smith, Mail Carrier

How I would love to get a card like this from my mail carrier!

And while we're talking about mail, here's another card that mentions the U.S. Postal service in terms of New year's Greetings.

The back of the first card is blank. here's the back of the second one.

The message sent to Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Hawkins of Susquehanna, Pennsylvania in 1909 reads:

Dear friends
May this Xmas be a joyous one for you both. Wish you could be here with Bertha and I. We are having such a good visit. With love Emily


  1. Oh these are just great...and so uplifting too! I once came home from the grocery store and a really nice retired man bagged everything up and delivered them to my car, and once home and unpacking I found a hand written card like that from him...that he put in everyone's bags...that was so cool, he was thanking everyone he helped!

  2. Oh!!! Christine H!! You know how much I love these -- so cool! Most excellent cards

  3. Lovely cards. The first one brings a lump to your throat.

  4. Happy Holidays Christine!!!
    Thank you for stopping by to say hello! Have a safe and healthy New Year!!!

  5. Christine,
    A perfect card and a wonderful sentiment.
    Happy New Year!

  6. I love your New Years Mail card. (That would be good for the Sepia Saturday theme)
