Thursday, December 15, 2011

Mystery of Life #63

There is actually more than one great mystery of life at work here. Firstly, why would anyone take a picture of a parking lot for a postcard, especially in such a uniquely beautiful spot as the Smoky Mountains? Secondly, who would buy a card like this? Well, I guess I bought it, so I can't say too much about that.

Here's the back of the card. Unfortunately, there is no message relating a pleasant (or otherwise) experience at the parking lot.


  1. That parking lot does seem rather unique. I think the card is a good example of a "BORING" postcard.

  2. Oh but what a fantastic parking lot it is, carved through the middle of such a glorious spot! Maybe the person who bought this card is like me....I have a habit of buying cards where I am, maybe to send, but mostly to just treasure my visit!

  3. The aerial view might have added a souvenir-of-our-trip factor to the card. And maybe you could write, "See the white car? That's us!!" :p

  4. "Come see our beautiful mountaintop removal mining"

  5. I like that idea -- See the white car? that's us....funny...

  6. Perhaps built by the WPA thus making it more important than just an ordinary parking lot. Your tax dollars at work.

  7. I'm actually pretty sure this is really the fossilized remains of a giant prehistoric worm, they just put some striping on it and called it a parking lot so people didn't freak out...

  8. I agree how strange it is - and in the 60s when chrome PCs were introduced, there were so many highway shots! Weird!

  9. A come-on for car-loving tourists, no doubt. And those who don't mind crowds at scenic sites.

  10. They probably were very proud of their parking lot. After all, Pigeon Forge probably didn't have any miniature golf yet, and Dollywood was way off in the future.

  11. C'mon....that's a great parking lot! Why, I'd consider going there just to see it! Or not.
