Sunday, December 11, 2011

An Odd Christmas Card from Granny

This is one of the oddest Christmas cards I have encountered.

I like it because it's addressed to Eric Brasie of Brasie Corners, New York. The town was obviously named for his family. I also know from another postcard addressed to Eric, that his father was the postmaster.

Here's the back of the card.


  1. Definitely different from the average Christmas postcard. I wonder whether there is a whole series in that style.

  2. So is it Granny or Eric that are a dunse?

    I'm intrigued by the concept of dunce. Did public ridicule and a steep coned hat influence further behavior or achievement?

  3. Yes, Steven,
    Public ridicule,a cone-shaped hat, and whippings made children of yesteryear smarter. Either that or it was just a lot of fun for sadistic teachers.

  4. Interesting and fun postcard. When I taught I would never had the nerve to use a dunce cap.

  5. Oh I like this!..the little girl is cute too...but really you can understand what the words should be...they are written pretty much like we say them...this really rocks, in the post card world I would say this is really a rare and wonderful find! Thanks for sharing it! I'd be curious if the maker of this card did others like it!

  6. Let’s hope little Master Eric was old enough to appreciate the humour. I like it.

  7. wow! Such a lot of fun for those of us who visit you! And the cute misspelling little girl is a real treat!

  8. The girl sort of looks like a Tim Burton character to me, a bit demented compared to the typical poinsettias and holly decor beyond...
