Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Cupid Gets A Driver's License

Be careful, he's definitely a distracted driver. I wonder what he wore to his driver's test.

Here are the backs of the cards in the same order.

Oh, look, there's a message to Iris Green of Wayland, New York on this one:

Dear Iris,
will now write you a few lines to day are all sick with the grip hope you are all well it is bitter cold here today anser soon  ____


  1. Those are all great, I especially like the graphics and cupid drama action of the second card- bold! And I do hope the cupid on the first card had the courtesy to bring bring a personal seat cover along, as his passenger looks a bit concerned with the situation...

  2. They are all wonderful. I have a few on my Sepia Saturday post and also Creative Zone. Mine are valentines but they have the same style and beauty.

  3. I hope Cupid doesn't get cited for driving without pants. I know it is still on the books.

    All your cards look pristine, Christine! I take it you don't pluck them from the trash like I do?

  4. A beautiful card with a message about diarrhea on the back?!! Too funny:) I've seen the same thing about having La Grippe on the back of French postcards. So much for concern about privacy issues.hehehe

  5. Great cards! I love the old cars, especially the one with flower covered wheels.
