Thursday, March 29, 2012

De qui ce joli poisson?

Who sent you this lovely fish? That's often the question when it comes to the first day of April and the French tradition of April fish. People in France don't do it much anymore, but they used to send each other cards with fish on them accompanied by messages of affection. Often the card included only a simple message, such as 'guess who.' I have posted many of these Poisson d'Avril cards over the past few years. If you go back to the first post, you can read about the history and traditions of the holiday.

I love these cards because the combination of fish and romance seems so unlikely, but then again, it's fish, romance, and humor - the best combination.

Here are the backs of the first card and the last card.


  1. What a lovely selection of poissons d'avril.
    I don't think we've had cards for April 1st in the UK.

  2. Those postcards are too interesting....two thumbs up for the fish balloon!

  3. I've not seen fish cards before - a nice selection!

  4. This is an especially creative batch if fish cards, only the last one seems in the more typical, amusing vein. The first one is downright classy, the fish airship awesome, the fish palette beautifully witty, and the '1 Avril' in fish on the fourth is a hoot!

  5. These are just so creepily amazing! I love them and they scare my just a tiny bit -- but mostly I love them.

  6. Thanks so much for sharing this! I had no idea about this French tradition, but I have seen cards with these giant fish before, even on blogger recently. Maybe that was your post too. It sure seems a lot more friendly then in America where we play what should be funny tricks and jokes on people for April Fool's Day, but some go too far and make it not so pleasant! Guess that's where the word fool comes from right?!

  7. Try as I might- I don't get the thrill of the fish on a post card, but it sure is interesting. I do agree with Pamela- that last one is a bit creepy

  8. How odd and interesting, Christine. The little girls don;t seem to mind cuddling the fish and posing for the cameras! Happy Poisson Day when it comes :-)

  9. Good gracious, it's nearly April (and fish-card time) already. Soon be May - are your cases packed yet?

  10. Christine, when I did a Google search to see if I could find 'cached' posts of your blog, guess what my search phrase was: French fish postcards:)!!ha!
