Thursday, March 1, 2012

What Were They Thinking?

If you had been a fly on the wall, this is the conversation you might have overheard:

Museum Director: We really need to do something to attract more visitors to the Harry S. Truman Library and Museum.
Marketing Director: Well, perhaps we should print a postcard.
Museum Director: Great idea, but which exhibit should we feature? There are so many good ones to choose from.
Marketing Director: Well, we could feature a photo of the atomic bomb along with a catchy slogan.
Museum Director: Or something about the Cold War or Israel...
Marketing Director: Maybe we should go with something less controversial.

As you can see, the results were very good. The eye is drawn to numerous points of interest: flags, lectern, electrical outlet, presidential seal, heating vent, wide expanse of wall, metal windows with photos attached to the glass. You can't go wrong.

And then there's this memorable postcard. I don't know. Am I missing something? Who would send this? And who would they send it to?

Here are the backs of the postcards.


  1. hahahaha so funny. yes, the North Wall. That is less controversial ^_~

  2. Ha ha ha, der Dialog ist grossartig.
    Diese Postkarte verdient in Ruhmeshalle der langweiligsten Fotos der Welt zu kommen

  3. Ha! That museum postcard is absolutely priceless!

  4. If I saw the first postcard for sale anywhere I'd snap it up in an instant! What were they thinking indeed...

  5. Well....if I got that first postcard I would most definitely tart it up with washi tape and collaged know how I am...

  6. True art, both of them.

    The fellow in the second one needs a voice bubble, "Did those flowers smell like chloroform?"

  7. The Stephen Foster one is a little creepy... Maybe they were thinking of the Rousseau painting The Dream.

  8. Good idea, Pamela. I think the first one needs some naked people...or at least women in bikinis. I know that's not what you meant when you said 'tart it up', but that's where I went with it.

  9. Apparently at the Truman Library the buck stopped outside the doors since there was no money for museum design.

  10. The Beautiful Dreamer card is totally creepy, and not just because she is 3 feet taller than him...

  11. I love post cards! Looking forward to all you have to share since I have become a follower.


  12. The creepy Beautiful Dreamer one reminds me of a postmortem card. :-o

  13. That "north wall" card is,....interesting. Do you suppose it's from a series that included the south, west, and east walls?

  14. The North wall is hilarious. I would buy that for my "boring" collection.

  15. When I saw Beautiful Dreamer, the first thing that popped into my head was something about having gas....:)
