Thursday, April 5, 2012

I am Your Brudder

This card with Best Easter Wishes was sent to Freda R. McKewen (?) at the Mansion House in Binghamton, New York in 1916.

There are a number of mansions in Binghamton, but I have a feeling that this was actually some sort of boarding house rather than an actual mansion. I found an article in the November 3, 1900 issue of the New York Times announcing the death of a salesman, John Higgins of Binghamton, at the Mansion House. Higgins, a traveling salesman for the Beck Cigar Company, was despondent over family and health problems. He committed suicide by eating two ounces of rat poison. Higgins left behind a wife and four children.

Here's the back of the card and the message, which reads:

Wishing you a happy Easter
I am your brudder

1 comment:

  1. It's been more than a decade since I last visited with my family in the US. Sometimes I feel I should end my letters to them with the line "this is your sister." Thank goodness we now have the internet.
