Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Taking A Break

The Daily Postcard is taking a sabbatical for the month of May. Some time away from the computer will do me good, and I promise to return refreshed and with renewed vigor.  I look forward to seeing you back here on June 1st.

Here's the back of the card.

Nellie sent this card to Harry in Redfield, New York in 1909 with a message that reads:

Going to Mexico Thur. with Jones. Just got back from Selkirk. I been out on the river nearly every day. Nellie
We will be home Fri on the ten o'clock train.

If you're wondering how Nellie could be in Scotland and then go to Mexico on Thursday and be home on the train on Friday, it's because she was referring to Selkirk and Mexico, New York. Her entire trip was about 150 miles.


  1. Great postcard! Enjoy your time off :o)

  2. Now that is a perfect road trip, and at first it did she quite amazing! I hope you enjoy yourself while you're away...and have a restful, peaceful, but adventurous time away!

  3. Will miss the postcards -- have a good rest and see you in June!

  4. Great postcard! Enjoy your break, I'll miss seeing your posts every day :).

  5. Good for you for taking a break, but you will be missed!

  6. Enjoy your sabbatical!

  7. I will be counting the days till you post again!

  8. Have a nice holiday, Hope you love Amsterdam!!(*_*)

  9. I like the card, sort of a Victorian version of the Kama Sutra...

  10. Have a nice rest and come back with lots of post cards.

  11. Have A Great May! Don't Forget To Send A Postcard From Wherever You Are!

  12. I think we might be able to arrange a "guest post" before June. What do you think?

  13. I like all kinds of large letter postcards, and that is a perfect one for this post.

  14. Excellent idea! A break is always good.

  15. Christine, I think of you sometimes and think how rigorous a schedule you have with a blog post every day. Whew! I don't think I could do it. I hope you're doing something wonderful with your time off (a vacation, relaxing somewhere you love, etc.) and not having to have surgery or some other equally grueling activity. I'll look forward to June. Take care.

  16. Waiting for the "comeback" :-)

  17. You've been missed. Hope you're enjoying your break and look forward to seeing you back on Sepia Saturday when you're good and ready.
