Monday, July 16, 2012

Boring Postcards II

You probably had an event-filled and exciting weekend, so this is a perfect opportunity to relax with some very boring postcards. If you're going to collect boring postcards, be sure to include at least a few aerial views of parking lots.

You might also want to include some dark caves with stalactites.

And a few puzzling landscapes...


  1. I can only agree. The ennui is overpowering.

  2. A small quibble - as a geologist I find the cave one interesting. Parking lots though - who had that idea.

  3. Ha Ha, I knew someone would find at least one of these interesting. Transportation Engineers may take interest in the parking lot too; I know they appreciate postcards of interchanges.

  4. The car park and the night view are ok (though probably not my first choice were I sending a postcard)

  5. That first one is a classic! I had a work colleague once who used to send me the most boring postcard he could find from his holidays each year. Not being a collector, I didn't keep them; I suppose I should have done!

  6. Oh my favourite category of postcards - and you have some wonderful examples. I think I might try and match some of yours - I need to look through my collection.

  7. Hallo Christine,
    ich hoffe es geht dir gut und du genießt den Sommer. Du bist immer zuverlässig und zeigst Jahr für Jahr und Tag für Tag deine Postkarten, Ich bin da anders, ich bin auch schon mal für 3 Monate weg ;09
    Ich mag deine neue Kategorie. Langweilige Postkarten , davon muss es Millionen geben.
    Liebe Grüße

  8. Hallo Christine,
    ich hoffe es geht dir gut und du genießt den Sommer.
    Du bist zuverlässig Jahr für Jahr und Tag für Tag da und präsentierst deine Postkarten, ich bin da anders und auch mal für 3 Monate weg :0)
    Ich mag deine neue Kategorie mit den langweiligen Postkarten, davon muss es Millionen geben ;0)
    Liebe Grüße

  9. Maybe criminals use these postcards: 'Perfect places to hide a body'.

  10. Gosh, I had no idea they had dropped an atomic bomb on N.H., but the proof is in the picture.... Aside from that one, I found something to like in all these cards:
    1) I have seen far worse parking lots, and the diagonal relationship of the drive to the main road is really quite dynamic, no?
    2) Ain't nothing boring bout a card showing bunch of rocks that look like giant jelly fish and chicken gizzards descending from the sky to attack you, in fact, some people spend good money on drugs to make them see that kind of stuff when they could have just bought this post card for 25 cents instead.
    3) C'mon, that is an awesome welcome sign compared to most states, the real issue is that 75% of the state that you have just been welcomed to is a desolate friggin' dust bowl.
    4) I really am sorry about that stray nuke, the place actually looked pretty good when I went there as a kid...
    5) How can you not like this- the romance, the mystery, the brightly lit guardrail? I would go there for sure, wherever it is.

  11. I collect signs and I must have at least four different Wyoming signs. I find most scenery postcards boring, but they are too boring to fit my concept of a "BORING" postcard.
