Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Wiggins Old Tavern

Wiggins Old Tavern is located in the Hotel Northampton in Northampton, Massachusetts.  Although I have never had the opportunity to eat here, the Dalai Lama did, as did Richard Nixon, David Bowie, and Eleanor Roosevelt.  The hotel and tavern are still open if you think you might want to visit.


  1. What a surprising hotbed for famous folks!

  2. What a neat old hotel. If it is kept up with remodeling I am sure it would be a neat place to stay.

  3. I wonder if the Country Store still carries postcards (as indicated by the sign)

  4. It would have been great to have those folks sit down to dinner together! Doesn't really seem like the type of haunt that would attract Bowie, but I'm sure he would have gotten on splendidly with Tricky Dick...

  5. I wouldn't mind checking out that country store...

  6. I was there once, and I think I have a postcard of it. I like the view with the "POST CARDS" sign.
