Monday, August 6, 2012

Easy Sailing in Gelatt, PA

Once again we have cute Dutch stereotypes relaying greetings on an American card. These seem to have been particularly popular around 1910 in areas with strong Dutch heritage.
Gelatt, Pennsylvania is a 'populated place', not an official town.  I have a feeling it may have been more populated in 1915 when this card was sent. The postmark was from Gelatt, so we know they had a post office.

Mrs. B. Pickering sent this card to Miss Sarah Denney at Burns Hospital in Scranton, Pennsylvania.  I have other cards that Sarah Denney received at the hospital, but she appears to have recovered and lived to the age of 80. Sarah was born in 1895 and operated a grocery store in Union Dale, PA (current population 267). She died in 1975 and was buried in the Gelatt cemetery. It appears that she never married.

The message reads:

 from a Friend Mrs B Pickering
 glad your doing nicely.

It looks like Mrs. B Pickering, was Hattie Ball Pickering, first wife of Benjamin Butler Pickering. Hattie died in 1920 at the age of 48, whereupon Benjamin Butler married a woman by the name of Olive Warren. Benjamin and both of his wives are also buried in the Gelatt Cemetery. Here's a view of the cemetery from the road.

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  1. The cemetery isn't exactly full of character, but it does look fairly peaceful, I could think of far worse places to spend eternity...

  2. So happy to have stumbled on this site today! Mrs. Pickering is a second cousin to my Great Great Great Grandmother, Lydia Arvilla Pickering who married Griswold Gelatt. Just got back from that cemetery this weekend and was wonderful to visit.
    David Michael Gelatt

  3. David,
    I'm so glad you stopped by.
    P.S. I'd be happy to send you this postcard if you'd like to have it. Just send me an email with your address.(If you click on the profile on the right-hand side, there's a link to send email)

  4. Wow...thanks Christine! I would gladly pay for postage. That is such a beautiful cemetery

  5. Thanks again so very much for the postcard. I can't wait to take it to our next reunion to share with everyone!
