Thursday, August 2, 2012

London - The Big Funny City in 1912

With traffic from the Olympics, it may have been easier to get around London in 1912 than it is today.  The first card is in fairly rough shape, but it includes a wonderful message written exactly 100 years ago today.

The message reads:

Chichester, Aug. 2' 1912
My Dear Alfred
I was much pleased today to find your kind note in my mail-bag! Thank you for remembering me.
I remember when your Father was about your age, that his grandmother took him to England. I have thought of it several times since I came here.
This card shows you one of the finest places in London. It is a big funny city. Do you see that two story omnibus?  with stair on the outside. It is one of the hundreds we see, and they are all covered over with posters advertising whiskey and beer, and soap and bread +c+c.
We are having a good time and seeing many fine things.
I hope you are all well. Give my love to your Father + Mother and all.  your Friend,
E.C. Harrington

Here are two more cards of the same era.


  1. Actually a friend of mine from the UK send me this link this morning. It may be easier to get around London today!

    The photo of Regent St. in the Daily Mail article looks similar to the scene in the postcard.

  2. Thanks for that link. How very interesting. I guess some people will be relieved when it's all over.

  3. We are being told on the news how quiet it is in most parts of London, as they went on and on so much about how busy it would be, as a result people are staying away. Lovely message on the postcard.

  4. The top postcard is unusual, I've never seen it before. Great message too.

  5. I get a kick out of the 'centennial' posts, so fun to get a glimpse of the past and how things have changed (or not...) in exactly a century. And that was a fine message too, a lovely card to receive- when the New Gaiety theater opened in the 'big funny city', I'm sure the urban circus was in full swing.

  6. The first view makes me feel like the buildings are spinning around or my vision is distorted.

  7. Great those busy street scenes!
