Monday, August 13, 2012

René Bine #110

This is a continuation of the message from card #109 on Friday's post.  Dr. René Bine wrote messages that continued mid-sentence from one card to the next. It's a shame about the occasional missing cards, but I do have this one.

Here's a link to the previous post, if you didn't read that message. This is a beautiful card with a lot of detail, even without the descriptive message, and Bine is fairly careful about keeping his writing to the blank spaces.

The message continues from the previous card:
We also are figuring on entering university courses from 8 to 9 A.M. + 12 to 1 PM or 5 to 6:30 so you can see we will have more then we would the latter are...

practically "free" the other "pay" courses limited to 10 men + we are well satisfied with our success so far. I never kick any how as I have all I can do to study the lingo.
We heard indirectly of the severe accident which befell Miss Mabel Brunker, our U.C. M.D. librarian + a very good friend of ours. If you hear or read anything about its significance (maybe fatal) let me know. Also as I said before leaving, send me only the Sunday Bulletin "News" part + if evenings occasionally then be topics of local interest, only the "news" sheets. We see here the Neue Freie Presse - Wien + every other day or so, at the Cafe, the Paris N.Y. Herald + London Times.
Universitat Strasse is the continuation of Alser Strasse + is running in the picture, toward the Ring. University is 3 blocks from the Krankenhaus (hospital) which faces Alser Strasse. we are 2 1/2 blocks from the latter.

As far as I can tell,  Miss Brunker recovered and lived many more years. More to come on Wednesday.


  1. A most delightful card! It is, like writing between the lines! Never to harm the viewing of it!

  2. It must have been infuriating if one got lost the mail or if the cards arrived in the wrong order.

  3. I love his handwriting....these are so cool. What a creative idea to write a continuing message/letter on card after card.

  4. That is a fascinating collection. He sure made good use of the space.

  5. I might have told you - my brother used to travel to ranches and whilst there, sketch the place, write me a letter in the drawing's white space, and send it to me. As a young child this would fascinate me beyond belief! Thanks!

  6. Good point from Lisa, that would be a bit of a hassle... I like the giant barrel/keg on the wagon, sort of looks like a cement mixer from the Flintstones!
