Thursday, September 20, 2012

C.H. Remer - Japan and China Tea Co.

I can't vouch for the quality of their tea their tea, but C. H. Remer of Syracuse, New York certainly produced some beautiful trade cards. They also gave away glassware and crockery as incentives. I don't read Japanese or Chinese, but I'm guessing that the creator of these cards took artistic license with the Asian alphabets.



  1. Who needs the tea with beautiful trade cards like those?

  2. So this "given away" marketing strategy started long ago.

  3. I really like the second card, even though the man on it reminds me of John Belushi in a fancier than usual toga... The stereotyped Asian man on the 5th and 6th cards was probably typical for the times- doubt there were many Asians in Syracuse, and the store owner was most likely Caucasian. And the text and graphics on the last card are awesome, I would love that in a large poster format!

  4. The proportions of the people on the 5th and 6th card are a little spooky, to say the least. Still, beautiful cards, all of them.

  5. Artistic license indeed. The pretend-Japanese/Chinese scribbles make me think of science-fictional civilizations in other galaxies.

  6. I agree with Archie -- the stereotypical images are revealing, and the graphics are superb!
