Friday, September 28, 2012

Tin Types #1

I know, I've been posting a lot more photos than postcards lately. It's because there are so many that I want to post before I move on to other things.  So here are a bunch of tin types. They're all about 2.5 inches by 4 inches, and the metal is sharp! Don't know where and don't know who, but they're full of character and historical fashion.

More tin types coming soon, along with some pretty exciting glass negatives that I'm working on scanning. Oh, and I promise to post some more postcards too.


  1. I agree, tintypes are full of character, there is something about them that I always find fascinating for some reason. Thanks for sharing!
    Teresa Wilson Rogers

  2. Sorry to hear your blog is ending in about a month -- I've been engrossed with following your entries (and looking at the archives) since I ran into it (through a link on Cafe Unknown, I think) a few years ago. I like the pose and expression of the guy in the top hat, from these photos.

    1. Thanks Jonathon,
      At least the archives will always be here even if there aren't any new posts.

      That guy in the hat is quite something, isn't he.

  3. You can post all the photos you want -- I love them!

  4. I'm with Jonathan -- will miss your blog dreadfully; is there any way we can convince you to keep going? These tintypes are just did they ever get the blush on the young lady's cheeks?

    1. Thanks Deb,
      I appreciate my faithful readers. I decided that it's time for me to move on to other things though. I may come back to this, but I can't say for sure.

      As for the blush, it's on quite a few of these tintypes, although there is never any other color. I think they may have just painted it on.

  5. Sorry to hear you won't be blogging in the future! I check in as often as I can and appreciate all the posts you put up. But I'm sure it takes a lot of time and effort on your part - hope you find something equally as interesting as your next adventure! Karin

  6. The painted backdrop behind the child is rather primitive compared to the others, perhaps leaving the wall blank would have been better/less distracting. The seated gent in image #2 wins the handsome award of the bunch- in my opinion- and what exactly does the gent in #3 have in his pocket? Something really odd about the creasing/tightness of his trousers there...

  7. Dear Archie Techt,
    I forgot to mention that upon first opening this blog this morning, I immediately thought the gent on the left of image #1 bore some vague resemblance to you... are you sure its not a distant relative? I think he's the most handsome of the bunch... your choice reminds me of a well-fed and somewhat snooty Tom Selleck, and Archie seems eminently more friendly and approachable. His friend has interesting hair-makes his head look very heart-shaped. As for image #3, I'm more concerned that the gent is harboring a large rat under his coat than what may be in his pants pocket...yes, yes, I know it's a watch chain not a rat tail, but the frock has strange buttoning and odd bulging, don't you think? cheers to you both--Karin

    1. Now that I look at it again, you're right. Maybe we'd better hang on to this one.

    2. Karin, you are right, the fellow does look a bit like me (or vice versa), so he is definitely the most handsome one of the bunch.... I'm guessing it is not a relative of mine though, since the pix I have of my great-grandparents shows them all as farmers in Moravia that had probably never seen a jacket and tie. As far as old square chin on #2 goes, I knew he reminded me of somebody, just couldn't pin it down- thanks.

  8. My husband always threatens to grow a mustache like the ones featured here! I threaten to cut it off in his sleep! ;)

  9. Christine, I'm looking for a 'fatherly' older gentleman with mutton chops to use in my novel. Got anything like that in your stash:) I've heard of glass negatives -- looking forward to seeing what you post!

  10. Your blog is one of my favorites, I always learn something new here. Sorry to hear you're ending it, but I understand, too. Good to start a new thing after a while. (I've turned off that awful comments hurdle on my own blog, by the way. Pretty ridiculous how obscure the letters are.)
