Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Your Affliction

The front of this card is not very interesting, but the message is, even if it is all about afflictions.

Mrs. L. Darling of Middlesex, N.Y. wrote this card in August 1909. The message reads:

Middlesex 24'/09

Dear Miss Sprague
I heard you had not been well & hope this will find you fully recovered my health is quite good. Mr Darling is not as well  & am worried about him & hope he will soon be better I read of your Fathers Death I sympathize with you in your affliction. have you had your vacation, come + see us. Do you want to take the magazine again for Dora remember us to Dora + Grace I would like to see you all Write Soon. Sincerely your friend Mrs. L. Darling.

The casual mention of the father's death strikes me as odd, but I've seen it on other postcards of the era.

Here's the front of the card.


  1. I half expected 'vacation' to say 'vaccination' :).
    'In your affliction' does seem a strange turn of phrase.
    What was 'Industry' in NY?

  2. Yes it's rather antiquated and we wouldn't say it nowadays probably but it does also mean pain, sorrow and trouble. I expect her friend was stuck for the right word as we so often are on such occasions.
