Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Faces of Susquehanna -Part Two

More portraits from Susquehanna, Pennsylvania. These are from the J.B. Kirby studio and its successor, the Frank Kirby studio. The portraits all measure about 2.5 inches by 4 inches. The father and daughter in the second photo must have had very light blue eyes; they look a little eery in black and white.

The photo above with the three ladies is the only one with any names written on the back: Mother Elizabeth and Henryette.

The photo of the boy above is also interesting, because another photographer's name and a different location (Scranton?) were printed on the back before they were crossed out  and replaced with Kirby and Susquehanna. Kirby must have  bought another photographer's card stock.


  1. Do you think they all belong together as a family? The lady in the pattern dress appears to be repeated, though the father and daughter in picture 2 have a different look, they do look quite sinister.

    1. I don't know that they're family, but I would bet that any one of them could probably identify the others.

  2. The boy looks like he's been standing in a high crosswind for a while...

  3. These are interesting to see. I have two family albums of photos of unknown family members from an old house.

  4. Okay, the daughter and father remind me of the old movie "Village of the Damned." I remember seeing the preview for that movie on a big drive-in theater screen. I was terrified the whole way home.

    1. if I were casting for a horror movie, I would definitely pick those two. They don't even need to speak!

  5. Stunning photos. Very 'other-worldly'

  6. The ladies trio is especially interesting, with their unique faces and contrasting fashions. And the 'damned' duo didn't bug me at first, but now that others have mentioned it, they do sorta seem to look thru you in a creepy kind of way- good characters for a Halloween haunted house.

  7. I sure hope it's father and daughter ...
