Saturday, December 5, 2009

Draw That Bridge!

A bridge is missing, and without it people will not be able to commute back and forth between San Francisco and Marin County. This postcard was printed before the bridge was built in 1937. I can't imagine how people got along without it.

Your super engineering skills are needed to draw them a bridge (crayon is O.K.)  In this view, Marin  County is on the left-hand side and San Francisco is on the right. You don't have to duplicate the existing bridge, but it needs to be sturdy, because recent events have shown that the Oakland Bay Bridge is only semi-reliable.

On December 15th, I will post another view that shows the bridge that was built, but if you think you have a similar or better idea, submit it here. You can print this postcard out and draw or paste on it or start from scratch. Please send it back to me as a jpeg file. Here at The Daily Postcard, we appreciate artistic license, so extra points are awarded for creativity, but if you're able to draw, collage, or paste something that looks like the real thing, then that's great too. The best response (or two) will be posted along with the actual existing bridge. Your response must be received by the end of the day on December 14th. Click here to submit your response.


  1. What fun - a contest! I'm getting out my crayons now, but I don't think there's one that's Golden Gate International Orange . . .

  2. Liebe Christine,
    ich hab deine Postkarten soeben bekommen und mich unheimlich gefreut.
    Ich hab sie auch schon geposted.
    Vielen Lieben Dank für deine Mühe, das ist wirklich super lieb.
    Ich wünsch dir einen schönen zwiten Advent und Nikolaustag

  3. I love this card because it's pre-goldengate.
