Thursday, December 3, 2009

Owing to Extreme Pressure...

The text of this card reads:

Dear Marjore
I received your card a long time ago and have been a going to answer it for a good while
I suppose your are a going to school
from Maud Cleveland
RFD #5

RFD stands for rural free delivery, although it obviously wasn't free. Before rural free delivery, rural residents had to go to the post office in a nearby city to pick up their mail.

This is one of the numerous cards I have to and from the Woodin family. To see photos of the Woodins, see this other post.


  1. More writer's block--on both front and back!

  2. What an amazing new header you have! Can't take my eyes off of it! This is my kind of pressure. Writer's block galore! You are such a smart cookie!

  3. Yes I love your header too. Love that card, but particularly the sentiment. Happy PFF

  4. Great card and wonderful tie to Marie's *writers block*!! Happy PFF!

  5. Am I the only one that thinks this might be considered a little racy?

    Hmm. Anyways, Happy PFF!

  6. Well, until I read Mary's comment, I thought it was an excellent tie-in. It still is, of course, but I think Mary could be right. :)

  7. I don't think it was meant to be racy. I suspect that our modern view makes us suspicious of anything that appears so innocent.

  8. Beautiful !@!
    Thank you for explaining the RFD.
    Love the each and every details you describe about the postcard.

  9. Love you post card this week.... sentiment at the top is perfect!

  10. Love this one! I'm going to have to "borrow" the saying at the top of the card...perfect for a writer's block moment of zen
