Tuesday, January 5, 2010

All Birthday Joys


  1. Oh, how lovely! thank you for sharing!!!

    Lovely poem, too. (grin)

  2. Yes! I did get your wonderful blog award. THe problem is that I can't post it on my sidebar. I will indeed, as soon as I have time, post it with the awarded blogs I also love soon.

    Thank you! I'm truly honored! Have a GREAT week!

  3. Hmmm, those girls look like they might be related to the twins from 'The Shining', but thanks for the thoughts anyway!

  4. For a birthday boy you are just a little bit picky. Well, you have to wait until next year for another card. Better luck then.
    The Shining...really! Well, the one in the middle actually looks like a boy.

  5. yeah, maybe a young Jack Nicholson...
