Monday, January 4, 2010

Le Mont St. Michel, France

Thankfully, it looks much the same today.
The message reads:
Dear Elsie
This is the place we are going to see tomorrow Friday


  1. Are those tram or train cars at far left? Seems like it's paved road access now. I remember a blistering hot day there.

  2. Robert, you have a good eye!
    It's either a steam tram or a stem train. I keep hearing that the causeway, where people currently park is going to be converted to a narrow bridge with tram service, which would allow water to flow around the island. At that point, people will have to park on the mainland and take the tram from the parking lot. Good plan.

  3. Yes, I remember being told that the causeway was creating problems with water flow, and that they intended to replace it. I hope they get it right. What an impressive sight; I can't imagine the effect it had on pilgrims centuries ago.

  4. Christine, this card brings back awesome memories for me. My first ever trip to France in 1993 -- solo, no less -- I had no reservations, just my plane ticket and a rail pass. I had one thing on my 'to do' list aside from the Eiffel Tower: I wanted to go see this place. I did and I am enamored with it to this day, despite the touristy aspects of it. My kids and I returned a decade later and got to be there during that month's high tide. It will be interesting to see the new developments!

  5. Trishia,
    I used to travel like that too. It was almost always wonderful. Now I'm a wuss and need reservations and a private bathroom etc. I hear that very few people actually stay overnight at Mont St. Michel and that you get a different sense of the place (in a good way) if you do.

  6. Great job!I whant to see on my blog some postcards from Iasi Romania!
