Sunday, February 21, 2010

Streetcar Sunday - Albany, New York

Streetcar service began in New York's capital city in 1863.  Albany had an extensive streetcar system, which is evident even in the picture above. As in a number of other cities, there were ongoing labor issues. These issues resulted in a violent streetcar workers strike in 1921, and the National Guard had to be called in to keep the peace.
Albany's last streetcar ran in 1946.
Here you can see a later view, with the streetcar tracks still visible, but the streetcars themselves gone and replaced by buses.

If anybody else has any additional information on the history of the Albany streetcars, please feel free to post a comment.


  1. Hallo christine, das ist wieder eine schöne Stadtansicht mit tollen alten Häusern ich google mir gleich mal die aktuella Stadtansicht. Mal sehen, was sich alles verändert hat.
    Hab einen schönen Sonntag

  2. It is interesting how much one can learn from just examining a postcard. you have a good eye for detail, almost like a detective.
    re my post, I hadn't noticed the fire hydrant was made in Alabama! I would venture to guess whoever was the buyer had some sort of special deal. Though I bet the real story is more interesting than that!
