Monday, March 29, 2010

General Electric Fan Advertisement Postcard

This is a wonderful advertisement postcard that seems to show a GE fan powering a Dutch windmill. The back of the card also shows a fan.


  1. THAT is just wonderful! thank you for sharing!

  2. Oh wie schön, mit der Windmühle und dem holländischen Mädchen.
    Reklame kann so nett sein.

  3. Love the graphics on this. Just think, there have to be 4 in this series. There's a challenge for you. Find the last 3.

  4. Fascinating that we went from wind power to electric power and now wind power is coming back gangbusters!
    Evelyn in Montreal

  5. What a lovely graphic - I must admit, at a glance I didn't get the concept that the fan was powering the windmill . . .

  6. Yeah, not only is it powering the windmill, it is turning our poor Dutch damsel's skirt, bonnet and kerchief into sails!! The message is pretty clear- new school electric wind kicks old school natural wind in the butt- and a clever use of the continuous but broken horizon. It is a beautiful card though, and I like the challenge to find the other 3 quarters!

  7. Such gorgeous !! I love the vintage image as well.
