Sunday, March 28, 2010

Streetcar Sunday - Manila, Phillipines

Manila had a strong start with trams in the American colonial period. The first electric lines were opened in 1905. By 1924, 170 cars were in operation, providing good service for a city of 220,000.  World War II left much of the City of Manila in ruins and destroyed the streetcar system. There was no saving it.

In the years following the war, as the city was reconstructed and traffic from automobiles and buses created traffic problems, there was a renewed interest in rail transportation, resulting in a limited monorail system in the 1960s. Since the 1980s, Manila has slowly been developing a light-rail system. There are currently three lines, with two more planned.


  1. Du hast ja wieder tolle Karten rausgesucht .Die Stadtansicht von Manila ist wunderschön, aber die Ananas ist der Knaller.
    Ich wünsch dir eine schöne Woche

  2. Ich suchte ein bisschen nach Ananas in der Stadtansicht von Manila und dachte...Ja, die Janine hat bessere Augen als ich. Es war einige Minuten bis es mir einfiel...ach, ja...Hawaii. Das war doch vier Tage her und ganz vom Gedaechtnis verschwunden. Bin vielleicht muede...oder alt.

  3. All those pedestrians in the street with an apparent death wish, my goodness!! That's a fine bunch of awnings though, must be sunny there...

  4. Oh, I just LOVE this postcard! I was watching an old film of downtown San Francisco around this same time period and the resemblence is striking. Things must have moved a LOT slower then!
