Thursday, April 29, 2010

Hotel Woodward - New York

This postcard was sent in 1937.  The Woodward Hotel is still standing, but it now called The Dream Hotel.


  1. It's surprising to see all block printing instead of cursive writing on a long note from this era. His lettering, especially the D's and M's, and free-style capitalization, seem sort of eccentric.

  2. Ts and Ls are capitalized no matter where they are in the word. It is peculiar.

  3. What a neat postcard to own. I like how he marked where he was staying. I am glad the building is still standing.

  4. That is afine building and I love reading these old cards it's like the person is alive. I wonder why they travelled so much?

  5. Great card, loved the message, lots going on. Sort of putting the pressure on poor Albert to respond though- since he wrote it on 5/17/37, which was a Thursday, and it is post marked the 19th, chances of getting something back by Saturday are pretty slim.... Perhaps he meant NEXT Sat!

  6. I adore buildings with the rounded corners and the turret at the top has so much style.
