Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Vanderhoof's Fire Proof Storage

Somehow, storage facilities are much more appealing with horse-drawn trucks rather than U-hauls.


  1. Is it weird that this reminds me of the postcard in Brokeback Mountain? Very nonchalant. Possibly in code. Just saying.

  2. Postcards really were the twitter of their age weren't they. Love the "Nothing To Sell But Service" line.

  3. What an odd idea for a post card. Not much to say, either. Hmmm.

  4. Keri,
    I can't figure out why this reminds you of the Brokeback Mtn. postcard...horses, men...I don't know. Or maybe it's the brief message.

  5. Reading this from my office in Newark, not too far from the site shown here. Thanks for this wonderful postcard!

  6. Old post cards are a treat. I got one with a 1 cent stamp on it and it was sent to me. LOL

  7. OMG, LOL, SOS, CIA, etc! I thought the same thing Keri did as soon as I read the card. Does this mean we are engaged??

  8. Anonymouse,
    Just hold on a minute while I get my online ministerial certification and I'll go ahead and marry you.

  9. yeah, I think it was just the brief, nothingness of the message... because then why would you send the postcard! especially one of a storage facility! unless it's a secret cowboy code.

  10. Oh, thank you so much Pastor Christine for bringing us together via your blog, we are now off for our honeymoon at the dude ranch/mini storage... We'll be sure to write, bye!!
