Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Tennessee..or Not

This is spooky, don't you think? Two identical towns and two identical blue trucks, and yet these town are 50 miles apart...and neither one is on the Mississippi River.  Presumably, you could have had Boise, Idaho printed on this postcard if you wanted to. It's such a fine postcard; who wouldn't want their town's name on it?


  1. Fabulous. With your permission I will Photoshop it and put Fixby, West Yorkshire in there.

  2. This is great, and makes me want to see New Paltz, Evanston, Walla Walla, etc. splashed on the same banner!

  3. Yep, it is a stock card. I like the blue truck though.

  4. Try to imagine the salesman's catalog. One page.

    "Well, I have this card."

  5. Go for it, Alan. And if you think it doesn't look convincingly British enough, just photo shop the Queen into it.

  6. *sigh* Not quite as subtle as the flying the confederate flag as prominently as is still done around these parts...

  7. Perhaps in the Troy version the blue truck is filled with invading Greeks!

  8. This is where a camper shell really comes in handy.

  9. I think 'Our Porch' is on to something, I'll bet the truck on the Humboldt one is loaded with bales of that 'magic cotton' those folks are picking!

  10. I like the idea of the Queen picking cotton, but ... she might not cotton to the idea:) Sorry, I couldn't resist.

  11. Trishia,
    I see a blockbuster movie opportunity here. It goes like this: The Queen and her twin sister are separated at birth and one is raised as a queen and the other picking cotton. Then one day the Queen decides to visit Tennessee. She visits the cotton fields and meets a woman who looks just like her. Then, they either trade places for good fun or the Tennessee twin files a massive lawsuit.
