Friday, July 23, 2010

No Nice Boys Yet

More from the Bee family! The Bee family lived in the Rosemount Buildings in Edinburgh, Scotland. This card was sent to Chrissie Bee from her friend Isa.
Here's the back of the card:
The message reads:
Dear Chrissie,
How do you like this. I am enjoying myself #1.
But have seen no nice boys as yet.
Yours with love

The Rosemount Buildings were built in 1860 and are now part of Edinburgh's West End Conservation District. They were unusual in that they were built of red brick with yellow brick accents, instead of traditional stone. You can read more about the conservation area here at the Friends of Gardner's Crescent.


  1. I like this postcard.
    The nice boys will take #2, #3... :)

  2. a lovely card...and thanks for showing the back with the diagonally placed stamp. i read somewhere that this meant "Won't you marry me?" happy PFF!!

  3. Ahhh the true quest of find some nice boys! hehee...

    this is a great card....nice photo...and the message makes for a good little chuckle!

    ciao bella
    creative carmelina

  4. Looking for nice boys, amusing and a pretty postcard

  5. I really enjoy your blog Christine. I must remember to visit more often.

  6. I'm reminded of a Barbara Stanwyck line from Remember the Night: "If all men were as square [honest] as you, there wouldn't be any nice girls left!"

  7. What a cute message! And I am intrigued by the woman in the photograph! Wedding or confirmation attire?
