Thursday, July 29, 2010

Honesdale, PA

It looks like someone wrote in pencil on the front: "Hope you are too."
The message sent to Miss Sarah Denney in 1915 reads:
Dear sis how are you getting along
I am dandy   hope you are having a fine time down there
by Walter

The message doesn't seem to indicate that Sarah was recovering from illness or injury, so perhaps she worked at Burns Hospital.

Here's another view of Honesdale, which currently has a population of about 5,000  (about 3,000 in 1915) :


  1. Both cards are beautiful. I wonder if the originals are black and white and that they are hand tinted.

  2. How exciting to see my Honesdale on your blog. I love the second postcard and the Lackawaxen River in the years before it was dredged. Any chance I could buy the Honesdale postcards from you?

  3. I was in Honesdale a few times in the 70's, it was pretty down-home small town PA, the folks on the first card look like they might be a bit too fancy pants for the locale! The river scene looks fairly idyllic, but I'm sure some of those buildings have seen more than their share of flood waters...
