Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Nettie Bee is Vacationing in Fife

Nettie Bee is a wonderful name to have. Miss Nettie Bee was vacationing in Fife, Scotland in 1917 (?)
I have a number of postcards to and from the Bee family, all of them lovely like this one.

I will say that I liked this card a lot more before I happened to watch part of a zombie movie (Shaun of the Dead) at my gym the other day. Something about the eyes. Oh, I hope I haven't ruined it for you.

Here's the back of the card:

The message reads:
Dear N.
Very many thanks for you lovely P.P.C Sorry the weather is so broken (?) With hope it will be better tomorrow for your last day. With love from L. Chalmers


  1. LOVE the name, love the postcard! lol

  2. I found it creepy at first sight, no zombie reference required....
