Monday, January 17, 2011

Lizzie Mable Graham

Here's a card to Lizzie Mable (Graham) while she was still single. She married Tracy Graham in 1909.

Here's the back of the card, sent to Elizabeth in care of her father, George Mable.

And here are a few picture of Elizabeth Mable with Tracy Graham,  sent to me by her daughter Bernice.
Tracy and Lizzie rowing on the Lake

Tracy and Lizzie exchange hats
What fun those two must have been!


  1. What a fabulous piece of graphic design that card is.

  2. Some graphology experts say that left-slanted writing means insincerity, concealment.
    But Tracy and Lizzie are in the same boat anyway.
    Are they having a...row?

  3. What great detective work you've done on this family. I went back and read some of it but I'm going to keep going til I have the whole story.
    They do seem like a "fun" couple and I, too love the graphic design of the cards.

  4. Love the sense of humour of these two - and the simple graphics on that postcard.

  5. I think Tracy is letting Lizzie do all the rowing, but I'm guessing they don't mind going in circles!

  6. I'm so glad to hear/see The Graham saga continuing. I love the notion of a gentle boat ride. Today it's all extreme sports with speed and/or noise.
