Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A Sightseeing Giveaway

I'm giving away ten iPhone apps for self-guided walking tours of cities such as London, Paris, Rome, Florence, San Francisco, Chicago, Berlin, Barcelona, Prague, Edinburgh, and Amsterdam. These tours come with photos, a map with highlighted tour route that pinpoints your location, and narration for various attractions. The apps work on iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.

There are few things I find worth promoting, but I am a big advocate of walking.  It's not just invigorating exercise, it's also the only way to really explore the nooks and crannies of great cities. I have bought walking tour books for various cities in the past, but it seems awkward to carry a book around, so I usually tried to memorize as much as possible and leave the book in the hotel room. Then, there's always the tour bus option.

I was approached recently by to mention their iPhone city tour apps on this blog in exchange for ten free walking tours for my readers. Initially I made some sort of derisive snorting sounds, because I don't promote products on this blog, but I was curious enough to take a look. (Click here for the demo.) I have to admit, I think they're pretty wonderful. I also want to point out that I get nothing from this other than the giveaways for you. No payment and no free apps for me.

So, if you are interested in one of these apps, leave a comment on this post, describing which city you would want to visit and why.  You can choose one of the cities listed above, or go to their site and pick one of the other ones they have (there are lots!) I will do a blind drawing from the responses received to pick ten winners, and announce them on Monday, January 24 31, 2011.

Oh, and here's the back of the card.


  1. New York. It has to be New York. Has any city made a greater contribution to art, literature and culture in the twentieth century than New York. On top of which I will be visiting the city for the first time in June (and I will be bringing my iPhone with me) (Great card, by the way)

  2. I love that card with the overload of passengers. I have no iPhone.

  3. I dont have an iPhone either but I love the postcard. I have been on crowded tour buses before but not quite like the one in the photo. I like looking at the back of postcards as I find cancel marks very interesting. I like the overlapping double cancellation.

  4. Hallo hristine, du hast recht, spazieren sollten alle Leute viel öfter. Ich selber bin in den letzten Jahren kaum gegangen, weil meine Füße mir solche Schwierigkeiten gemacht haben, doch nun nach zwei gelungenen OPs kann es nicht mehr lange dauern, bis das spazieren wieder schmerzfrei geht. Meiner Figur würde das auch gut tun, denn i´ch bin ganz schön aus dem Leim gegangen (hi hi).
    Ich hab mir die Demo angesehen und direkt Lust darauf bekommen nach Brüssel zu fahren und diese Biertour zu machen. In 2 Stunden wäre ich da, aber auf deine tollen Aps werde ich auf jedem Fall verzichte, denn ich habe kein iPhone. Und wenn das mit dem gehen immer noch nicht so ganz klappt, dann bleibt der Bus, aber einen so tollen wie auf deiner Postkarte werde ich wohl nicht finden.
    Liebe Grüße

  5. Sign me up for San Fran! Got it on the top of the brain to go soon. Love the top postcard. That's definitely a full wagon load. I see about four gentleman in the swarm of women.

  6. What a wonderful card! I thought tours were a more modern invention! It's neat that you were approached to do the promo, and also that you are so selective about what you include.

  7. Great postcard Christine, We have been to many country's and always do a city-tour by bus, Madrid, Sydney, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, my place Amsterdam has one to! see my:
    Thanks for al your comments
    Greetings from Truus:)

  8. Christine, I don't have an iphone either, but I love this card. It reminds me of a spin-off of the multiple baby postcards. Is this for real?!ha!

  9. Sign me up for Prague. Ghost Hunters International did an investigation there and it looked like a cool, spooky place! My bags are packed, so just tell me when to be at the dock.

  10. Me being the crazed jewelry person that I am, I would love to go to Prague!!! I tried to get Sister and the brother in law to jet over that way when we over in Germany visiting, but they were a bit intimidated. I don't have an IPhone either, but wouldn't this giveaway be a great excuse to go and get one! (heehee). Oh and Christine, the postcard is too cool, but they don't look like they are wearing their seatbelts. (HA)

  11. I don't have Iphone either.
    I like walking tour and I enjoy looking at this postcard :)

  12. My husband has an iphone so many to choose from I will choose the New York walking tour--my sister lives in New York and we plan on visiting soon.
    thanks for the chance to win--love the postcard!

  13. Well, to join in, I don't have an iPhone either so that leaves me out--but if i did I'd choose Paris because it is the city of my dreams and my soul and the place I visit most or New York, another well loved city....and living in San Francisco I wonder what that walking tour would be like.....

  14. Very... Nicee... Blog.. I really appreciate it... Thanks..:-)

  15. What a cool app! I have a first generation iPod touch, and I'm thinking of upgrading to a new one this year. I would stroll around Tokyo, I think. And maybe see what L.A. has to offer. I think it would be fun to develop walking tours around where I live too. You see so much more on foot!

  16. I love that tour bus card, but I would be afraid of falling off if I were on a bus like that.
