Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Smithville Flats is Flooded

In 1935 the small town of Smithville Flats, New York was hit by a massive flood after two nearby dams gave out. Residents of the the town were filled with trepidation when the Broome County Transient Bureau sent in transients to work on the extensive clean up efforts. However, the transients worked hard in unpleasant conditions and residents were soon pleased with the results.

Now, if you happen to be heading over to Smithville, I would like to alert you to a good deal. Since Leon Tyler's General Merchandise has entered into an agreement with a leading photo studio in nearby Binghamton, if you buy $5.00 of merchandise you get a portrait almost absolutely free (if you don't count the 10 cents you pay to Leon Tyler for the card and the 5 cents to the studio.) Unfortunately, as with most other coupons, I have let the expiration date pass. It expired in 1925, but I find that some merchants will still honor expired coupons if you ask nicely.

And, it is signed, as required, on the back by Leon Tyler himself!

Oh, and here's the back of that postcard, for people who like that sort of thing.


  1. Wrong location for a durable home...:)

  2. Somebody could have used [the services of] a good urban planner...:)

  3. I rather like the "Trade Comes Where It Is Invited ... " slogan.

  4. So, I have to guess that the house actually floated and broke up to that location? It sure is close to that tree as to have "run into the tree." What horrible luck. Don't forget to redeem that coupon! Maybe they'll let you use the original prices and not today's.

  5. We still have houses being built in similar locations.

  6. Who knows, that coupon might indeed be honored. (especially since Leon signed it!) I bought a key ring at a Stuckeys around 1970 that had a "Lifetime Guarantee". It broke a couple of years ago, but I just haven't mustered up the nerve to bring it to their attention. (plus, I can't find the receipt....imagine!)

  7. Thanks for trying!
    Another option is to leave your review in a post or email, and I'll quote you [unless you demolish me :) ] in a future blog: "Feedback about my websites, from around the world". :)

  8. What a great capture of an interesting moment in time.
