Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Get Well, Thomas!

My friends Susi and Thomas went to Hong Kong a few weeks ago. Unfortunately, Thomas fell ill as soon as they arrived and has been in the hospital ever since. He'll likely be there another week. In his honor, and with the hope that he will recover soon, I am posting this not-so-old postcard from Hong Kong.

This is the Peak Tower Restaurant in Victoria Gap, built at the upper terminus of the peak tram in 1972. While it's not exactly my favorite building, I wonder if it wouldn't have benefited by taking the photo from a different vantage point. In any case, it's not there anymore, so it doesn't really matter.
The Peak Tower was redeveloped in 1997 based on a design by British architect, Terry Farrell.
Here's what it looks like now:
Courtesy of Minghong
More views and history of the Peak Tower are available here.


  1. I don't know, that '72 version is pretty cool...looks like something from outer space! There was definitely a bit of Jetsons influence going on there.

  2. Both look a little wacky to me, but I guess the view makes up for it! Thanks for the post, pcard girl.
    S&T (who're getting a bit better every day)

  3. What interesting cards, the first one looks very futuristic in a sort of 1960's way.

  4. New one is a watermelon slice of the old one. Best wishes to Thomas, too! :)

  5. Yeah, I know what you mean about the first one. I like postcards that have big question marks on them like that. Like, was this really the best shot for making your business look good? I have a few of those. In fact, that last one I posted falls in that category. Except that one does actually look rad. ;-)

  6. Da weis ich aber nicht was mir besser gefällt. Der erste Bau war so hübsch- hässlich (hihihi)
    Schönes Wochenende

  7. I too was struck by how the new building is a modern interpretation of the old one.

  8. Thank you for your good wishes for Thomas, even if you don't know him. We appreciate it!
    S&T in HK
