Thursday, February 24, 2011

Watch Gadaffi

You probably won't be visiting Libya right now, which means you won't be picking up any of these fine Muammar Gadaffi souvenirs. I didn't go either, but my mother did and brought back these gems -a watch and a keychain. Let me just say that the wristwatch NEVER worked - not Mom's fault.  I'm not about to take it back to Libya and ask for a replacement.

This may not be the ideal time to visit Iran either, and the hotel doesn't look so great for that matter, but at least you'll have a place to stay...if the hotel's still there.


  1. Ha, good one, Dorincard.
    Have picked up quite a few Mao watches here in China with similar results. The alarm clocks tick a bit longer.
    S in HK

  2. I wonder whether the numerals on the watch indicate the year he intends to finally stand down : 9999 !

  3. What a surprising image to see every time you happened to glance at the time.


  4. Not if you lived in Libya, Lucy, as his image was plastered every where, lovely propaganda technique of fine dictators around the globe. By putting his image on a watch he is basically saying "I even control time, especially yours...". Image saturation seems to work in controlling the masses and holding power by making you so familiar that you become indispensable, even if a tyrant: A Libyan woman they showed on the news the other day had known no other leader than Gadaffi for her entire 40 year life, so he seemed like a father figure to her, an institution she couldn't imagine living without, even if he was a bad father... Which is of course, exactly the goal of the dictator.

  5. Interesting......
    You can buy MAO watches here in SF.....but would I want to?

  6. Ha ha, kein Wunder , dass die Uhr nicht geht, seine Zeit ist abgelaufen.
    Diese Uhr ist der Knaller, und bald wird sie ein historisches Artdefakt sein ;0)
    Alles Liebe

  7. I hope not - or we're both in trouble.

  8. Ya, the image appeared everywhere even this happen to North Korea, as what i read.

  9. It would be worth taking the watch to a jeweler for repair, just to see their reaction!

  10. Roundup, I did take it in for service a while back, they said it was irreparable- foreshadowing perhaps? Seemed kind of amused by the image, I'm sure they have seen all kinds of odd stuff...
