Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Make Your Own Postcard

I recently received these postcards and several other beautiful pieces of mail art from Susanna Lakner in Germany.  These are some of her fascinating original designs.

Her cards reminded me that National Postcard Week (May 1-7) is just around the corner. Although you don't need to be as talented as Susanna to participate, you do need to be dedicated enough to produce and send about 150 postcards of your own creation.  It's actually pretty easy. The card can be based on a photograph, a drawing  - whatever you like - and there are lots of printing services that can print your postcard for you. You email them your design and they send you a box of cards.

Then, you have your name added to the directory, so all the other people can send you their postcards. You can find more information at Postcardcollector.org. And if you don't want to make that kind of a commitment, you can always just have a dozen or two printed and send them to friends and family.


  1. Wonderful cards, one day I will pluck up courage and have a go.

  2. Cool. We all can and should experiment. :)

  3. What creativity! It's really neat in that the creativity is restricted into this small space. If really displays a person's talent.

  4. Christine, I went to visit Susanna's site -- which led to the Collage Obession site and then one more click and another and another .... I ended up somewhere on a beach in Australia. Oh...the places we'll go via postcards and blogs:)
    LUV her art!

  5. great designs, thanks for the links!

  6. National Postcard Week? Who knew? Let's have a party!

  7. Yes, Pamela...I think all government offices will be closed. Oops, maybe that's just for a government shutdown.

  8. Trishia,
    Are you still on the beach? How is it down there?

  9. These postcards are wonderful!

    This will be the first year I'm doing National Postcard week - I'm excited!

  10. These postcard are wonderful. Thanks for sharing the link with us.
