Monday, April 11, 2011

National Library Week

National Library Week is an annual celebration of the contribution of our nation's libraries and librarians.  Celebrate libraries every day, but especially during the week of April 10-16, 2011.

Not all libraries are beautiful, but they all have books.


  1. I miss the old substantial library buildings. our new one is very nice, but could be mistaken for someone's home in the suburbs.

  2. Nice, impressive buildings, but bookstores are so much more than a bunch of bricks...
    Readership will spike after a prolonged state of power grid failure. :)
    While living in Las Vegas, NV, I was telling my fellow [Las] Vegans that my most favorite "casino" in town is...the James R. Dickinson Library from the UNLV campus.
    I am not sure who thought more about the other as being a little...weird. :)
    How come I didn't become a gambling ("gaming") addict ("player"), like a "normal" citizen?
    After all, casinos may have accountants may cook the books...and casino security may book you, especially if you win suspiciously often.
    If you play-by-the-book, the House will eventually win. :)

  3. These are beautiful! I had no idea it was national library week.

  4. A lovely collection of libraries, and even the last one has character.

  5. Having never been to Denver, I would have been unable to identify the city through the very East Coast representation of its library/ civic centre compound. It is quite funny the idea that we make of a place that we have never been to or seen a picture of...

    This is a lovely view and when/ if I do have the opportunity one day to return to the US, I will certainly pay Denver a visit.

  6. Say, I remember libraries, that's where people used to read and study before the internet! ;) Unfortunately, in Fort Worth libraries are seen as something to close when the city needs more funds.

  7. Best week of the year, after Christmas week and my birthday week. Thanks Christine!

  8. Our humble Hood River library was also a victim of revenue, or lack thereof. It's been closed for almost a year now, I think. It might reopen in July. A hundred years from now, folks might look at these postcards and say, "Libray? What was that?" Between the Internet and Kindle, books are takin' a beatin'.....

  9. Oh, Christine, I just had to know where the 'ugly' library was located!ha! It looks different on their web site, but not any prettier:)hehehe

  10. Lovely pictures - there is a splendid solidity anout the buildings that suggests they mirror the solidity of their contents.

  11. Minneapolis has a beautiful new downtown library that opened in 2006. It is now part of the county library system because the city didn't have enough money.

  12. what year is the Toledo postcard from? very cool
