Monday, June 20, 2011

A Man and...

My first inclination is that this is a young man of means (on the left) and his chauffeur.  Maybe, maybe not. And where? Canada?

Here's a close-up of the cap. I can't make out much of it, except it looks as if it ends with SKUTS.


  1. He certainly looks a bit of a toff...

  2. Too bad that the luggage label isn't legible. That tower in the background looks pretty ominous, it's a great photo.

  3. Perhaps there's a clue in the lettering on the hat. If you edit a blow up the hat you may be able to red what it says.

  4. I think the the cap style with writing on it and the lapel pin suggest a conductor, not a chauffeur... perhaps the lad just wanted his pic with a local 'official' to show he was there.

  5. The tower looks very distinctive. I don't suppose it gives any clue as to who's who, but it would be interesting to know where it is.

  6. An honest to goodness SKUTS? Never thought I'd actually see one. Okay, is that a "UPT" in front of SKUTS? An UPTSKUTS? I just did a google search and not surprised to see "did not match any documents."

    Funny neither of them wish to lay claim to the luggage.

  7. Is it 'skuts' or 'skurs'? And does the word continue beyond that?

    The young men have a similarity of feature. I'm wondering if they were related despite the dissimilarity in dress.


  8. Lucy, I think the lettering does extend beyond skuts. You're right, they do look like they could be chums or brothers, despite the difference in dress.

  9. I'm with Lucy, too -- I think the boys look very similar. Perhaps they chose different paths (or different paths were chosen for them...). The boy on the left is definitely younger because he's still in short pants! I don't suppose the lapel pin is any clearer when enlarged than the letters on the cap?

  10. I've been wondering about the tower. Why choose that as a backdrop? Its windows are blocked (or screened) at the top. And it's not a pretty hedge. The ground is rough but the scene doesn't look real. A set? Or is it real? I've also been wondering if the reason we can't make out the letters on the cap is because they come from a version of the Cyrillic alphabet

    Another intriguing thing is that the picture seems to have been cut out roughly from something else to be turned into a postcard.

    All this has got me wondering where the postcards come from. Do you have a collection? And, if so, where do you get them from? There must be masses!


  11. Christine, I love mysteries like this:) I don't know why but I was thinking Romania...wondering if that FASA on the back could be a clue? If this is ever solved, please let me know!
