Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Revolving Beach House

This was touted as the house of the future, a house that could rotate to take advantage of the sun.  Although it has yet to become the rage, rotating houses are still being built. You can determine the speed, from one rotation every thirty minutes to one every 24 hours. I can't help but imagine a malfunction that sends the house into a high-speed spin and pins the occupants against the exterior walls, but I'm sure that never happens.


  1. Wow.....and look at those white knee socks.......

  2. Wow! I wonder if you'd get some kind of motion sickness.

  3. Die schöne neue Welt der 50er jahre ist unbezahlbar.
    Vueles mutet heute fast rührend an.

  4. At first glance I thought "Museum of Science and Industry" even though I don't think I've seen the card before. When I read the description, I decided it must be an ad. Then when I saw the back, I realized the my first impression was correct!

  5. I always enjoy reading what the people in the past thought our current life would be like. Our jet-packs and hover cars haven't quite caught on.

    I could sure use this house's technology right now as my bedroom window faces due west. It would be nice to rotate to the east so the setting sun doesn't interfere with attempts to go to sleep!

  6. Wow, I wouldn't mind if my house rotated around 2:30 each day. Perfect light and not too much sun would optimal!

  7. I love it Christine! "Welcome to your new home...The Gravitron!"

  8. I have seen actual houses out there that are on rollers to do just what the card says. Yes it would be scary if you got into the way of it's changing moves.

  9. Holy cow, that looks like a scene from "Land of the Giants"!

  10. I'm not quite sure why you'd want your house to rotate. A change of view maybe. It reminds me of a TV programme we used to have called Tomorrow's World. It used to show us all sorts of things that never happened.

  11. Wow !! It must good to use in beach.
