Thursday, August 4, 2011

Giant Almonds

Lena sent these giant almonds to her father, F.M. Barnum,  in Merrill, Oregon for his 55th birthday.  Merrill is a small town, current population of 897, located in Klamath County, not far from the Oregon and California border. The 1904 Klamath County Directory lists F.M. Barnum as a rancher.

In September 1912, the Sacramento Union newspaper reported that:
F.M. BARNUM, living near Merrill, has brought to the 
city a good supply of apples of the Yellow Transparent, Gravenstein and Red June 
varieties, which cannot be surpassed for texture and flavor. A peculiarity of 
this Red June apple is that it ripens in September, thus becoming a fall variety 
instead of a summer one, as is usual. 

Here's the back of the card, sent from San Jose, California.

The message reads:

Dearest papa! - 
Happy Birthday to you - I wish I could be there to help eat your birthday dinner. We are studying hard - Well may your 55th birthday be the happiest you have ever had is the wish of your loving daughter. Heaps of love + kisses.
Lena B.


  1. There must have been quite a series of giant produce postcards! The handwriting looks more like writing nowadays than 1909, I like the rec'd cancellation, it's always interesting to see how long the mail took back then.

  2. Oh my lord, giant almonds? You must have the world's largest collection of exaggeration postcards!

  3. I really think they should be making these exaggeration cards now -- I saw some really giant tomatoes at the Farmers Market yesterday. This scene looks a little like the drive on Hwy 5 where you pass miles and miles of fruit trees -- including almond trees.

  4. I hope he had a giant nutcracker.

  5. We may have to pass on breaking open these babies! Great birthday greetings, probably the person was a fan of almonds!

  6. Was her father an almond rancher? Giant almond rancher?

  7. i really find the received stamp cool!!!! goodness..that took less time than it took a card i sent my mom 12 years ago to get to took 3 days and she was only 18 miles away!!! takes 2 days to send anything from 1 address in my city to another address in my city!

  8. Attention Costco almond is available on aisle 4, 5, and 6.

  9. Without the label I would have guessed that was a carload of regular sized giant clams- probably not very fresh after being out in that sun though... I found the message to Papa very sweet, and hope he had many happy birthdays in later years that his daughter was able to attend.

  10. What a sweet message. You have the best collection of exaggerated food cards!

  11. Okay. You've got to stop with these large food postcards! You're only making the rest of us jealous! Haha. I would have never guessed to one day see one with almonds!
