Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Back to School - Cornell

Cornell students have been back in class and hard at work for a couple of weeks now.  Here are some old cards of Cornell, with not a student in sight.

The last card is the only one with a message on the back. It was sent to Mrs. George Collier in Warsaw, New York in 1927.

The message reads:
We are having a nice visit with the Judd family. Carrie

I found a little bit of information on the Collier family. The Perry Herald reported on May 12, 1926 that, Mr. and Mrs. George Collier motored to Buffalo on Wednesday and visited Mr. and Mrs. James Mauaher.

This announcement was followed by:
The farmers began sowing peas on last Friday.
Mrs. George Gould of Warsaw spent from Friday until Sunday with her daughter Mrs. Fred Adrian.
Mrs. Mildred Widrig was home from Geneseo for the week end.

Among many other announcements, it was also noted that, Mr. and Mrs, W.H. Scott called at the George W. Beardsley home Monday afternoon, and that, Mr. and Mrs. Guy L. Beardsley were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. S.C. Travis of Silver Springs.
Nothing got past those reporters, not even the fact that Charles Sage had purchased a new Chevrolet Coupe.

This one seems particularly appropriate, since Jane Austen books all revolve around visits between households and families:

Miss Jane Austin of Geneseo was a guest Sunday of her grandfather, E.G. Austin.


  1. Besides the cards being delightful, I find the writing on the other side to be quite interesting...I could stand there and read postcards until they drag me out of the shops...kidding, but I do read most that I can!

  2. That is what I too thought at first, no students in sight.

  3. The students at Cornell are all off playing in the gorges that surround the campus... Love the tid bits that qualified as news in the old days, actually makes the 'human interest story' distractions that litter the current network news look like serious investigative reporting!

  4. Christine, these are especially wonderful.

    Kathy M.

  5. The campus looks so different today - and I wish the area surrounding Cayuga Lake were as lush and green. A contemporary photo would show residences and shops.

  6. The post card with the message on the back was probably from Carrie Pforter. They were neighbors where I grew up. Mrs. George Gould was my grandmother, Mrs. Fred Adrian was my mother. My aunt was married to S.C. Travis after his first wife died. Just happened onto this site. What a memory jolt!
