Thursday, September 8, 2011


This is some of the most beautiful corn I've seen. Nice composition, color, and lettering.

And here are some more lovely views from this circa 1930 postcard folder.


  1. Yes, I like it too! & I love corn on the cob in general.
    I've missed visiting here. Your wonderful postcards never cease to amaze me.
    I just read your post about the Dracula flower-sorry, I don't remember the exact spelling, but you are so funny! Thanks for my morning laugh!

  2. Love it....I'm really starting to catch "folder fever"!

  3. Oh yes--Iowa and corn! Love those folding postcards.

  4. Locust Street - an address that may bug you after a while - sorry, couldn't resist ;)
    but I'm intrigued as to the reason behind the street name.

  5. Lisa, you're right, this may be a poor choice of names, but I'm guessing they're referring to the Locust tree rather than the insect. They probably should have chosen Oak, Spruce, or Maple instead.

  6. That folder has an attractive cover. I think the cover of folders is usually the best part.

  7. Des Moines, first place I ever had a McDonald's. This was way before they had sold even 1 million. Alas, I did not have any corn. In fact, even the Coke was corn free. Imagine that!

    It is lovely corn. Meet you at the King Bowling Alley!

  8. I would love a T-shirt with that pretty Iowa corn on it!

  9. The building behind the tall building in front, the one with the cupola is still standing. I think most all of the rest are gone. The Strand is definitely gone as they tore down all of the movie theaters downtown.
